Onwards and Upwards – "Making Space Happen": Journey to Mars from Deploy Software Solutions ("Deploy Solutions")
A Tragic Week for Commercial Spaceflight
A tragic week for Commercial Spaceflight has ended with the explosion of the Antares rocket and now Virgin Galactic’s fatal disaster
CSCA National Conference 2014 – New Manufacturing for NewSpace
The Canadian Space Commerce Association is a national group whose sole mandate is promotion of Canadian space business. The theme of the 2014 conference is “New Manufacturing for New Space”.
Вперед и вверх – «Космос – это реально»: путешествие на Марс
Вперед и вверх – «Космос – это реально»: путешествие на Марс from Deploy Software Solutions ("Deploy Solutions")
National Air and Space Museum or Udvar-Hazy Center?
If you had to choose between Washington DC’s Smithsonian Air and Space Museum or the Udvar-Hazy Center, which would you pick and why?
Space Dive
39 kilometres above the Earth’s surface, there is no oxygen. There is no air pressure. There is no warmth. There is no life. But there is a daredevil.
NewSpace Pioneers and Entrepreneurs Meetup Group in Ottawa
In my professional life, I am the co-chair of a meetup group dedicated to professionals who use Microsoft SharePoint technology. The group is getting pretty big and it’s a lot of fun and a great way to meet people with shared interests. On Thursday at our latest meetup we had renowned SharePoint experts fly in […]
New GoPro Marketing Video of Felix Baumgartner’s Space Jump
Austrian daredevil Felix Baumgartner performed an epic space jump from a stratospheric balloon 24 miles above Roswell, New Mexico. This video contains updated GoPro camera footage of the jump.
“Making Space Happen”: The Ansari X PRIZE
“Some good old-fashioned competition”: It’s been 11 years since the Ansari X PRIZE was awarded. Has it succeeded in its goal of promoting New Space competition?
“Making Space Happen”: Is Space Tourism Happening?
In the book “Making Space Happen” it is suggested that Humanity will only truly expand into space when the ordinary public can live and work, and take vacations, in space. But is space tourism really happening?