The International Astronautical Congress kicks off its 65th space congress in Toronto with a heartfelt, funny, musical show with lots of star power.
Yuri’s Night 2014
Yuri’s Night I am looking forward to attending the Ottawa Chapter of the Canadian Space Society’s Yuri’s Night – an annual worldwide celebration of the first human space flight, and of space exploration. From the Yuri’s Night Website: Yuri’s Night is a global celebration of humanity’s past, present, and future in space. Yuri’s Night parties […]
CSCA National Conference 2014 – New Manufacturing for NewSpace
The Canadian Space Commerce Association is a national group whose sole mandate is promotion of Canadian space business. The theme of the 2014 conference is “New Manufacturing for New Space”.
Вперед и вверх – Оттава в космосе: Член городского совета Мария Макрей
Вперед и вверх – Оттава в космосе: Член городского совета Мария Макрей from Deploy Software Solutions ("Deploy Solutions")
Onwards and Upwards – Ottawa In Space: Councillor Maria McRae on SlideShare
Onwards and Upwards – Ottawa In Space: Councillor Maria McRae from Deploy Software Solutions ("Deploy Solutions")
NewSpace Pioneers and Entrepreneurs Meetup Group in Ottawa
In my professional life, I am the co-chair of a meetup group dedicated to professionals who use Microsoft SharePoint technology. The group is getting pretty big and it’s a lot of fun and a great way to meet people with shared interests. On Thursday at our latest meetup we had renowned SharePoint experts fly in […]
New Canadian Space Policy Announced By Federal Government
[Update – what I called a “plan” is actually a policy framework] The government of Canada has just announced a new space policy framework for the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), in response to the recommendations of the David Emerson Aerospace Review. Industry Minister James Moore announced Canada’s revamped space policy framework in the presence of […]
UrtheCast Pioneering a new IT Trend: Space-as-a-Service?
Is Canadian company UrtheCast pioneering a new IT trend, Space-as-a-Service?
Canadian Space Summit 2013 – Space Commerce Track Day 2 (Notes)
Disclaimer: I jotted down what I understood but I am likely to get names, comments, and some information wrong. Please contact me if you feel I have misquoted you or otherwise mistated some of the conversations, and I will be happy to set the record straight. Here are my notes: Colonel Andre Dupuis – What […]
Ottawa In Space: Councillor Maria McRae
City of Ottawa Councillor Maria McRae (@CouncillorMcRae), an avowed “Space Geek” who led the city of Ottawa in expressing its appreciation of Astronaut Chris Hadfield and the Expedition 34/35 crew), gave a very engaging presentation during the Canadian Space Summit 2013, on the benefits of building space businesses in Ottawa. Being an Ottawa native myself […]